9th International Conference on Food Pathogen and Food Safety
Paris, France

Niloofar Pejman
Institute for Research in Sustainability Science and Technology (IS-UPC), Polytechnic University of Catalonia, Barcelona, Spain
Title: Are Iranian’ Consumers and Citizens Willing to Pay for Animal Welfare Milk?
Biography: Niloofar Pejman
We investigated Iranian’s citizens and consumer’s perception and willingness to pay (WTP) for animal welfare (AW) milk products. Data were collected using an open-ended questionnaire distributed in Iran with 532 respondents. Results showed that citizens have a higher preference for traditional AW and unwilling to pay for Industrial and traditional milk without AW certification. Consumers showed WTP for all type of milk but with a remarkable preference towards the industrial AW compared to the traditional one. Citizen’s women and who give high credibility to the Internet are more likely to select AW milk. Consumer’s women, without children, exhibited higher preferences for Industrial AW milk. Consumers who agree with using animals for sports and give credibility to Television as an information source exhibited less preferences for AW milk products. Our findings encourage dairy producers to figure out what type of milk products to grow and what are reasonable prices to charge.
Keywords: Animal welfare, Willingness to pay, Dairy cow housing systems, Citizens, Consumers, Milk